Diego Pieruccioni



Diego Pieruccioni graduated in Geological Sciences at Pisa University in 2012 with a Master Thesis in structural geology on geological mapping and structural analysis of the poly-deformed area of the Central Apuan Alps. In 2011 he was awarded the "Domenico Zaccagna" Siena University awards, for the best geological map of the Apuan Alps. Subsequently, between 2013 and 2016, he undertook a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences at the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences of Cagliari University. In 2015 he was visiting Ph.D. student at the Département de Géologie of Faculté des sciences Semlalia de Marrakech (FSSM), Université Cadi Ayyad, with a research about the relationships between geological structures and ore bodies in the Anti-Atlas chain. In 2016, he took up a two-year post-doctoral position at the Department of Earth Sciences of Pisa University as a part of the THALMIGEN project, working on the structural setting of the metamorphic complex of the Southern Apuan Alps and the relationships between geological structures, ore bodies, and Permian meta-igneous rocks. Since 2020, he works as a Researcher at the Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA) for the National geological mapping project (CARG Project at 1:50,000 scale).
His research interests and expertise mainly concern field geology devoted to the geological exploration, mapping and structural analyses of metamorphic complexes. In particular, his researches mostly focus on the following aspects: the detailed geological survey performed with both classical tools and remote/proximal sensing techniques; meso- and micro-structural analysis; tectono-metamorphic reconstructions; thermo-geochronology; GIS and 3D geo-modelling for geological mapping and geo-structural reconstructions.
Keywords: Geological mapping, meso- and micro-structural analysis, Remote sensing, Tectonics, Geodynamics, Structural geology.
Address: Servizio Geologico d'Italia – ISPRA. Via Vitaliano Brancati, 60 - 00144, Roma.
Phone: +390650074167
Email addresse: diego.pieruccioni@isprambiente.it
Skype contact: diegopieruccioni
Web pages: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Diego_Pieruccioni2
Scopus Author ID: 55832133500
Web of Science Researcher ID: AAC-9425-2021
Mendeley: https://www.mendeley.com/search/?page=1&query=diego%20pieruccioni&sortBy=relevance
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9646-0543
Google Scholar


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