Matteo Berti is Full Professor in Engineering Geology at the Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali of the University of Bologna.
Academic position
2017-present: Full Professor in Engineering Geology, University of Bologna
2015-present: Coordinator of the Degree Programs in Geological Sciences (bachelor degree) and Geology and Territory (master degree) at the University of Bologna
2015-2016: Associate Professor in Engineering Geology, University of Bologna
2004-2014: Researcher in Engineering Geology, University of Bologna
2003: Research Grant, University of Bologna. Project title: Debris flow triggering in highly conductive soils
1999-2002: Research Grant, University of Bologna. Project title: Geomechanical characterization of structurally complex geological media
1997-1999: Research Grant, University of Padua, European Project (ENV4-CT96-0253) Debris flow management and risk assessment in the Alpine region
Keywords: Engineering Geology, shallow landslides, debris flows, satellite radar interferometry, remote sensing, landslide hazard.
Address: Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali
University degli Studi di Bologna
Via Zamboni 67, 40126 Bologna
Tel: 051.2094541 - Fax: 051.2094522
Scopus: Author ID: 7103323331
Web of Science ResearcherID: M-8296-2015
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Matteo Berti