Felicia Papasodaro is First Technologist at the Geological Survey of Italy, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA). She is a geologist with specific expertise in Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology. She gained many years of experience in geomorphological and geological mapping. Her research activities focused mainly on continental successions of Quaternary age, related to different setting: intermontane basins of the Latium, Abruzzi and Umbria areas and piedmont sector of the Abruzzi area. In recent years she cooperated in studies on active faults and paleoseismology.
Professional activity
Survey of Quaternary successions of "Antrodoco" and "Norcia" Geological Sheets.
Survey of Quaternary successions in the Periadriatic sector of the Abruzzi area aimed at producing a geological map.
Survey of "Tagliacozzo" Geomorphological Sheet at 1:50.000 scale; specific insights on continental Quaternary deposits.
From 1998 scientific review of Geological Maps in the CARG National Project (Geological Mapping project, Scale 1:50.000) for the aspects relating to the geology of the Quaternary.
Scientific review of the Geomorphological Maps at 1: 50,000 scale in the CARG Project ("Belluno", "Anagni" and "Città di Castello" Geomorphological Sheets).
From 1990 contribution in the definition and integrations of guidelines for the survey of the Geological Map and the Geomorphological Map of Italy.
Teaching activity
From the Academic year 1999-2000 to the Academic year 2005-2006 she teached of the "Applied Geomorphology Course" at the Roma Tre University (Rome)
Keywords: Quaternary stratigraphy, Quaternary geological cartography, sedimentology of continental successions, geomorphological cartography.
Address: ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale
Dipartimento per il Servizio Geologico d'Italia
Servizio per la geologia strutturale e marina, il rilevamento e la cartografia geologica
Geomorfologia e Geologia del Quaternario
Via Vitaliano Brancati, 48,
00144 Roma RM
Phone +39-06.50074446
e-mail: felicia.papasodaro@isprambiente.it
Felicia Papasodaro