Maria Letizia Pampaloni



Maria Letizia Pampaloni is a geologist at the Geological Survey of Italy - Ispra (1987). Ph.D. in Earth Sciences (1989), she carries out research and biostratigraphic analysis aimed at the production of official geological cartography (Carg Project). Since 1989 he has been carrying out evaluation and revision of cartographic products at the 1:50,000 scale (Carg Project). Member of the Italian Commission of Stratigraphy. Editorial Manager of GFT (since 2009). Associate Editor of GFT&M (since 2018).

She also carries out Earth Science outreach activities at primary and secondary schools.
Keywords: stratigraphy, geological mapping, popularization, education.

Address: ISPRA Via Vitaliano Brancati, 60 - 00144, Rome
Phone +390650074339


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